Şubat 11, 2025
Hürriyet Mah. Yakacık D100 Kuzey Yanyol / Kartal / İstanbul


Myth or Reality?

The Prophet Who Sealed Agartha Beneath the Underground

According to legend, a long time ago, a superior race of extraterrestrial origin settled in the endless caves beneath the Himalayas. This alien race split into two: Agartha, representing the right hand, goodness, and honesty; and Shamballa, symbolizing the left hand, or the dark path. Agartha chose to stay away from worldly societies, whereas Shamballa

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The Mysterious Woman Sharula from the Underground Civilization Agartha

In 1725, a woman named Sharula, who claimed to be born in an underground city (from Agartha) called Telos, emerged in California in the 1980s. According to Sharula, Telos is one of the five major cities located in Agartha. Sharula’s narrative goes as follows: ‘We, the people of Agartha, always live with kindness and love,

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Did Adolf Hitler Find the Location of the Underground Civilization Agartha?

Hello everyone, dear mystery enthusiasts. In our previous article, we had written an extensive piece about the subterranean civilization of Agartha, discussing its connections to various religions, cultural beliefs, and including the journal entries of Admiral Richard Byrd, who had visited this mysterious place. However, we left some topics partially uncovered. In this article, we

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Myth or Reality?

Hidden Underground Civilization Agartha is Real?

Do you believe that there is life inside our earth? Let’s take you to Agartha, the inner centre of the world. Agartha is a legendary underground organisation that is mentioned in Tibetan and Central Asian traditions and is believed to be in Asian mountain ranges. The tunnels alleged to belong to Agartha are in Turkey,

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